In case you missed it, you should read The New North Carolina Business Court, an article written by Judge Diaz and Jordan Sykes, one of the Judge’s former law clerks. 

The Article highlights certain Rules of the Court which are "often overlooked."  It is certainly worth reading for that reason alone, because overlooking is not advisable and can lead to undesired consequences.

By the way, the Business Court Rules which are on this blog in the menu bar to the left are hyperlinked.  That means you can click back and forth between the table of contents and the Rules themselves.  So, you don’t have to scroll all the way back to the top to get back to the table of contents when you need to look at a different Rule, or all the way down in order to find the Rule that you are looking for from the table of contents.  These Rules can be downloaded to your hard drive if you want to do that.

This article appeared in the Spring 2008 issue of the North Carolina State Bar Journal.  The article is the property of the North Carolina State Bar, and is being "reprinted" here with its permission.