The North Carolina courts are taking some serious strides towards the implementation of electronic filing in Superior Court. The State has gone live with pilot e-filing programs in Chowan and Davidson Counties. Wake County will be added shortly as a third pilot county. The goal is full and mandatory implementation throughout the State within two years.
The State has selected a software program called E-Flex from Tybera to handle electronic filing. If you want to bone up in advance on the filing procedures, there’s an on-line manual available from Tybera, as well as some general information about the program, including training opportunities with CLE credit.
The Supreme Court has approved a new set of rules for e-filing, which are titled Supplemental Rules of Practice and Procedure for the North Carolina eFiling Pilot Project for Chowan and Davidson Counties Initially, and then also for Wake County.
At the end of recent report from the Technology Committee of the AOC about the e-filing project, the author says "Bottom Line: E-Filing and E-Pay is here. The money is in hand. The implementation will be gradual but the estimated time for mandatory use throughout the state, barring any major problems, is less than two years. Hold on tight — this will be quite a trip."