We present two items today for the consideration of our loyal readers:

1.  Shameless Plug for Your Votes

The good people at Lexis, which hosts our firm’s legal blogs and many others, recently notified us that we have been nominated for consideration as one of Lexis’s Top 25 Business Law Blogs.  If you are a

An entity can be interested (legally) in the outcome of a lawsuit, or it may simply be interested (in the go-sports-team-from-my-hometown-or-university! sense) in the outcome.  Under a recent Business Court ruling, only the former supports intervention under Rule 24.

Time Warner Entertainment Advance / Newhouse Partnership v. Town of Landis involved access to utility poles, a type

If you have visited the restroom in an office building in the last five years, chances are you’ve had the opportunity to use Georgia Pacific’s hands-free paper towel dispenser known as "enMotion."  In a published opinion released yesterday, the Fourth Circuit generally ruled in GP’s favor on trademark infringement, tortious interference, and unfair and deceptive

The City of Richmond was kind to the City of Greensboro last week.  After nearly a decade of litigation and arbitration, the Fourth Circuit affirmed the district court’s rejection of a challenge to a nearly $15 million arbitration award against the general contractor of a wastewater treatment facility.

The published opinion in MCI Constructors, LLC v. City of

When do treble damages need a passport?  In a Middle District opinion Wednesday, the Court held that a foreign plaintiff may assert an unfair and deceptive trade practices claim in North Carolina under certain circumstances.

Ada Liss Group (2003) v. Sara Lee Corp. (M.D.N.C. No. 06-CV-610) involved a decade-long dispute between North Carolina’s hosiery manufacturer and